Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Generational Slices - Miami Beach

Misty Mornings

The stillness of the mist.


Remembering the courage of a generation previous and the crew of the first American warship to shell the Japanese home islands. BB-59. USS Massachusetts

From Sea to Shining Sea

25 Jan 2006

Saluting the crew of DDG-81, the USS Winston S Churchill, who this week at close quarters engaged the Barbary Pirates of this century 50 miles off the coast of Somalia on the Horn of Africa, seizing the pirate vessel and crew.


(kamusta ka)

Newport in High Summer

College Hill from the Blackstone

Newport in Winter


Land's End.. 90 miles to Habana

Strange and wonderful

a lost civilization

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast ?

New friends of course :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ouch Outch Ouch !!!!!!!

January Surprise!!!